Twitter Fly


Twitter just launched a redesign of its iOS, Android, and web apps. The new design is centered around four sections: Home, Connect, Discover, and Me. Twitter CEO Dick Costolo said that the redesign was more of a refinement of their existing product, revealing a larger strategy for Twitter. Rather than adding more features, like Facebook and Google+ are well-known for, Twitter dug deeper into the core of their product and attempted to extract what makes Twitter unique. If you are on Twitter, you are well aware of hashtags (#) and at signs (@) which sort of make up a language which Twitter users use. In the new Twitter design, this language is brought to the forefront by using at signs and hashtags as navigation buttons to the new sections of the site. The new design is also more consistent across multiple devices, and as the design is pushed to other products such as the iPad and Twitter for Mac, its consistency will only improve. Tweets can now be embedded into websites, allowing for more interaction around a single tweet. An example of an embedded tweet is at the bottom of this post. Twitter is also looking for ways to help brands better connect with their customers, therefore they are launching new brand pages for a few brands that should help them connect better with users across the social network. Twitter’s redesign is certain to encourage more people to adopt the service, which has in the past been confusing for new users.

If you don’t see the redesign yet, here is a small gallery of pictures of the new design to tide you over.

2 thoughts on “Twitter Fly

  1. This is a smart update from twitter. Using the symbols along with their “meanings” on the main tabs will help newbies. Hmm, maybe I should get a twitter…*shrugs*

    P.S. I like the original title of this article (as betrayed by the url). XD

    1. Yeah, I think the symbols will certainly help new users become better acquainted with the service. The URL is inspired by the hashtag they used to announce the redesign. (#letsfly)

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