As I am sure you are aware, today Apple announced a new iPhone, some iPods, and a few other nice things. Instead of reminding you about all these great new things, I wanted to point out to you something Alex Arena and I discussed on the first episode of A Good Gadget Show. We noticed how the iPod touch seemed to have the same colors as the cyan Lumia 900. So I did a little investigative journalism and found that, based on marketing photos of these devices I found that the color of these device was very similar. Obviously this isn’t completely accurate, but it goes to show how very similar these devices are in color. I personally think that the cyan Lumia still looks better than the blue iPod touch.
I used Sip to find the average color of each device and as you can see, the two are very similar.
iPod touch color–RGB (74.00, 167.00, 213.00)
Lumia Cyan–RGB (88.00, 185.00, 213.00)