Mac App Store

So with CES going down this week the press is abuzz with new releases, but I want to take a close look at one in particular while I wait for everything else to settle down. The Mac App Store was pushed today with Mac OS 10.6.6 with ‘thousands of apps’. I believe this signals a […]

Windows Phone 7 First Impressions

First off, when you first do anything on a new Windows Phone you notice all of the beautiful transitions moving in and out of the screen. If iOS and Android want to stay on top they will have to work very hard to get some great looking transitions in with their next software releases. Next […]

Post #1

This is my first post on WordPress so I guess I should throw a little introduction in here. My name is Scott and I love technology. I read about it all day long and therefore have very strong opinions. I am an iPhone 4 user and love it so I may be biased, but I […]