Steve Jobs Resigned

On August 24 around 6:30 Steven P. Jobs resigned as CEO of Apple Inc. His letter of resignation is as follows. To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community: I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I […]

Google+ invites!

Thanks to 9to5mac, I have gotten into Google+ and that benefit goes out to you, just follow this link to sign up for G+! Thanks for reading Beyond The Code! -Scott

Google I/0

It has been far too long since my last post, school is almost over, and then you can expect to see far more nutritious, high quality posts right here. Without further ado… Google I/O. Google I/O saw the release of Honeycomb 3.1, or as I like to call it, Honeycomb 3.0.1, which is more appropriate […]

So this is why print is dying.

The local newspaper can’t spell iPad 2 the right way. At first I intended for this to be a little joke, but after further thought I realized that this really signals a meaningful disconnect in the local publishing industry. If the newspaper can’t even spell the name of an unequivocally hit product in the tech […]

iPad 2

As if there is not already enough reviews and hands on about the iPad 2, I feel like I should put my two cents in.The iPad 2 is a great upgrade from the original iPad. With a thinner, lighter, and faster iPad Apple hopes to pin down the tablet market for a whole year again. […]

Understanding Carriers

The purpose of this post is to answer some of the questions I get asked most frequently about cell phone carriers. The first question I am asked is… Q: “Why can’t I get a new phone?” First off, you can. What you can’t do is get your carrier (AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, US Cellular or Sprint) […]

Android 3.0: Honeycomb

Android 3.0: Honeycomb is a major step forward for Android, it represents Google’s first foray into the tablet market. Honeycomb has an entirely new futuristic looking interface made just for tablets. Most of the native Android apps will have to be updated for tablets in Android Honeycomb.The Android market is going to have in-app purchases […]

Now or Later?

With an iPhone on Verizon coming out soon with an unlimited data plan many Verizon customer are asking themselves the age old question in technology: “Do I buy x now, or wait for x 2.0 in a few months?” Sadly there is no clear answer but I hope to clear it up a bit in […]

New webOS Form Factors

Palm has announced that they will be bringing webOS to different form factors like tablets and netbooks. But more interestingly Todd Bradley mentioned that a “connected experience.” This is particularly interesting as a “connected experience” has not really been seen much in portable devices, in iOS there is AirPlay and iTunes (the latter not being […]

Verizon iPhone 4

So it is finally time. The iPhone 4 is on Verizon, and this could just be the start. in the Q&A session after the presentation, it was revealed that the iPhone 4 was a multi-year, non-exclusive agreement. Non-exclusive is the key word here. The iPhone 4 could soon rear its head on T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular […]